Cares Program

Caring for Our Community Every Way We Can

Life happens. But no matter what gets in the way, our residents, family members, and staff push through the trials and tribulations. And when they triumph, it’s a victory felt by all.

We want our communities to have all the support they need when these events happen, which is why Senior Living Ministries offers our Cares Program—a program specifically designed to help others get through unexpected life moments or achieve specific career milestones. 

Whether it’s a personal challenge or a professional goal, we want to be there for our residents and staff every step of the way. But most importantly, the Cares Program is about showing our appreciation and support for those who make our communities truly special. It’s about coming together as a family and helping each other in times of need.

Donate to our Cares Program today. Your contribution will go towards making a real difference in the lives of our senior residents and dedicated staff members.

What Is the Cares Program?

The Cares Program provides grants for unexpected life-altering expenses, educational opportunities, and resident subsidies. 

And because we understand the importance of your incredible generosity, Senior Living Ministries is recognized as a certified 501(c)(3) organization, which means every donation is tax-deductible

How the Cares Program Works

When you make a donation to the Cares Program, your contribution goes into a pool of funds that are used to assist senior residents and staff members in need. 

These funds can be used for a variety of purposes, including medical expenses, home repairs, educational pursuits, and more.

Each request for assistance is carefully reviewed by our staff to ensure that the funds are used appropriately and effectively. The goal of the Cares Program is to provide support and relieve financial burdens for those who have given so much to their communities.

Staff Grants

Life can be unpredictable, and when our staff face unexpected challenges, we’re here to lend a hand. Our staff grants provide financial support for:

  • Funeral expenses for employees’ families
  • Housing deposits due to eviction
  • Insurance deductibles for natural disasters
  • Living expenses during prolonged illness
  • Recovery from fire damage with no rental insurance
  • Medical equipment for health conditions
  • Cooling equipment for homes lacking air conditioning

We believe everyone deserves a supportive and nurturing environment. Our resident subsidies include:

  • 3-year resident support commitments: We fund the balance through donations to ensure residents receive continuous care.
  • Donation vehicles for investors: Investors can contribute distributions to help sustain our programs.

A well-trained staff is crucial for providing exceptional care. Through this program, we:

  • Initiate staff development and training: We’re focused on helping our senior caregivers enhance their skills and knowledge.
  • Provide pledge development: We help life lease holders pledge all or part of their refunds to fund staff development and resident subsidies.

How You Can Help

Your generosity makes a significant impact. By donating to the Cares Program, you help us support our dedicated staff and ensure our residents receive the support they deserve.

Our Programs

The Thanks Program allows residents and families to show appreciation through tax-deductible donations, which are matched 1:1 by our GoodWorks community.

Thanks Program

The Cares Program offers vital support during tough times, including financial grants, educational assistance and training opportunities, and resident subsidies.

Cares Program

Your involvement can be impactful. Support our mission by donating, volunteering, or spreading the word to help sustain our initiatives and raise awareness.

Get Involved

Our Mission

Doing good for those who do good

Contact Us

Our Address

  • 2202 Jefferson Court
  • Franklin, TN 37064
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