Get Involved

Your Support Matters

Your support means the world to us, our residents, and their families. 

There’s more than one way to help us make a difference. Explore the various ways you can get involved and contribute to our cause. From charitable contributions to advocating for our mission, every effort counts.

If you’re part of the GoodWorks community and share our dedication to enhancing the lives of seniors, discover how you can apply to help provide support with Senior Living Ministries today. Join us in our mission to provide compassionate care and support where it’s most needed.

Our Programs & Services

Through our Cares and Thanks initiatives, we help provide the support that each member of our communities needs. By making charitable donations, you can assist GoodWorks Senior Communities in caring for everyone connected to our organization.

Help us create a positive impact. Contribute today to support caregivers and enrich the lives of senior adults in our communities!

Ways to Support Senior Living Ministries

There are numerous ways to support GoodWorks Senior Communities and our mission to provide quality care for senior adults. 

Some options include financial donations, volunteering your time and skills, or spreading awareness about our programs and services. Your support helps us continue providing essential resources and assistance to caregivers and senior adults in need.


Your generosity helps us fund essential programs and services. Whether you prefer to give now, make a monthly commitment, or contribute quarterly or annually, your donation can make a real impact. Additionally, you can honor loved ones through memorial and tribute gifts.

Ways to Donate

  • One-time donation
  • Monthly donations
  • Quarterly or annual donations

 Choose a frequency that suits your desire to provide sustained support for our programs.

Memorial & Tribute Gifts

Honor a loved one by making a gift in their memory or tribute. Your heartfelt contribution will support a better future for others while celebrating the lives of those you cherish.

Commit to our cause through various pledge options that align with your goals and ability to provide support.

Life Lease Refund Pledge

Pledge part or all of your life lease refund to support our initiatives. It’s a unique way to contribute without immediate financial outlay.

GoodLife Refund Pledge

Use part or all of your GoodLife refund to assist us in driving our mission forward. This can be a practical and impactful way to give back.

Investor Distribution Pledge

Allocate a portion of your investor distributions to support our work. Every pledge counts and helps us to achieve our goals.

For more information on how to pledge, please call or email us at [email protected].

It’s Time to Make a Difference

Whether you choose to give, pledge, or advocate, every action you take brings us closer to our mission. Make a difference today.

Our Programs

The Thanks Program allows residents and families to show appreciation through tax-deductible donations, which are matched 1:1 by our GoodWorks community.

Thanks Program

The Cares Program offers vital support during tough times, including financial grants, educational assistance and training opportunities, and resident subsidies.

Cares Program

Your involvement can be impactful. Support our mission by donating, volunteering, or spreading the word to help sustain our initiatives and raise awareness.

Get Involved

Our Mission

Doing good for those who do good

Contact Us

Our Address

  • 2202 Jefferson Court
  • Franklin, TN 37064
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