How to Apply

Join The Senior Living Ministries Mission

We are dedicated to doing good for those who do good—including you!

If you are a staff member or resident at a GoodWorks community and are in need, we can help. Our process is designed to make applying as straightforward and accessible as possible. Here, we will walk you through the detailed steps of applying for support at Senior Living Ministries.

Our team is here to assist you every step of the way. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Steps to Apply

Here, we outline each step to make your experience smooth and stress-free.

This section is an overview of what to expect during the application process, from gathering the required documentation to submitting your application and receiving support.

Step 1: Approach Your Executive Director

If you need assistance, the first step is to contact the Executive Director (ED) at your GoodWorks community. Our Executive Directors are equipped to guide you through the application process and will be your point of contact.

The ED at your community will have an application form that can be completed through DocuSign. This ensures a secure and efficient submission process. The ED will help fill out the necessary details and submit the application on your behalf.

Once submitted, your application will be reviewed by our team. We strive to process applications quickly to provide the support you need as soon as possible.

Need Assistance?

If you are unsure who your Executive Director is, or if you have any questions, please reach out to us. We will forward your request to the appropriate Executive Director for prompt assistance.

Our Programs

The Thanks Program allows residents and families to show appreciation through tax-deductible donations, which are matched 1:1 by our GoodWorks community.

Thanks Program

The Cares Program offers vital support during tough times, including financial grants, educational assistance and training opportunities, and resident subsidies.

Cares Program

Your involvement can be impactful. Support our mission by donating, volunteering, or spreading the word to help sustain our initiatives and raise awareness.

Get Involved

Our Mission

Doing good for those who do good

Contact Us

Our Address

  • 2202 Jefferson Court
  • Franklin, TN 37064
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