Thanks Program

The Importance of Giving Thanks

Expressing gratitude to our caregivers is something we at Senior Living Ministries hold near and dear to our hearts. 

These individuals pour their time, energy, and boundless compassion into caring for our residents and loved ones, going above and beyond to preserve their happiness and well-being—day in and day out. 

Now, it is our turn to support them.

By acknowledging their immeasurable efforts and showing our heartfelt thanks, we can elevate their spirits and enrich the connection between our caregivers and those they look after. Our Thanks Program is our humble way of celebrating these extraordinary individuals, offering a sincere tribute to their unwavering commitment and love.

Make a donation with us today. If you’re part of a GoodWorks community and would like to help Senior Living Ministries show the appreciation you have for your staff members, click donate today.

What Is the Thanks Program?

Each year, through donations and a 1:1 matching contribution from our GoodWorks Senior Community, we provide end-of-year Christmas gifts to our dedicated employees.

All donations to the Thanks Program are tagged specifically for the staff at the facility designated by the donor. Every contribution directly benefits those who contribute so much to the well-being of our residents and is 100% tax-deductible.

Get Involved

Your support can transform lives.

We believe in supporting those who support others. Our caregivers show up every day, often in the face of personal challenges, to make a difference in the lives of our senior residents. With your help, we can show them just how much they are appreciated.

Our Programs

The Thanks Program allows residents and families to show appreciation through tax-deductible donations, which are matched 1:1 by our GoodWorks community.

Thanks Program

The Cares Program offers vital support during tough times, including financial grants, educational assistance and training opportunities, and resident subsidies.

Cares Program

Your involvement can be impactful. Support our mission by donating, volunteering, or spreading the word to help sustain our initiatives and raise awareness.

Get Involved

Our Mission

Doing good for those who do good

Contact Us

Our Address

  • 2202 Jefferson Court
  • Franklin, TN 37064
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