Resources for Senior Living Ministries

Supporting Every Step of Your Journey

Navigating the complexities of senior living can be challenging.

Whether you are a senior looking for resources or a community aiming to provide the best care, we can offer trusted resources across key areas of aging, health, wellness, and beyond.

From government agencies and non-profit organizations to reliable websites and hotlines, Senior Living Ministries can help seniors and their loved ones make informed decisions about their needs and lifestyles.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

  • Aging in Place: Explore tips and resources to help seniors live comfortably in their own homes for as long as possible.
  • Senior Housing Options: Understand the different types of senior living environments, from independent living to assisted living and skilled nursing facilities.
  • Retirement Planning: Get advice on managing your retirement funds, including 401(k) and IRA options.
  • Financial Aid Programs: Learn about financial assistance programs that can help cover the costs of senior living.
  • Healthcare Resources: Access information on Medicare, Medicaid, and other healthcare services tailored for seniors.
  • Fitness & Nutrition: Discover exercise routines and nutrition plans designed specifically to meet the needs of older adults.
  • Community Engagement: Understand the importance of clubs, groups, and activities that help seniors stay engaged and connected with their communities.
  • Travel & Leisure: Get tips on safe and enjoyable travel, as well as leisure activities that can enhance your quality of life.

Through Their Eyes

The Through Their Eyes memory care initiative is central to our mission and focuses on upholding the personal dignity of our residents. This program is built on extensive research and best practices for delivering top-quality care that can help our residents live fulfilling lives for as long as possible.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to us. We’re here to help you and your loved ones make informed decisions about senior living.

Our Programs

The Thanks Program allows residents and families to show appreciation through tax-deductible donations, which are matched 1:1 by our GoodWorks community.

Thanks Program

The Cares Program offers vital support during tough times, including financial grants, educational assistance and training opportunities, and resident subsidies.

Cares Program

Your involvement can be impactful. Support our mission by donating, volunteering, or spreading the word to help sustain our initiatives and raise awareness.

Get Involved

Our Mission

Doing good for those who do good

Contact Us

Our Address

  • 2202 Jefferson Court
  • Franklin, TN 37064
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